Started By justice, connecticut, United States Message justice



"Government accountability means that public officials... have an obligation to explain their decisions and actions to the citizens. Government accountability is achieved through .... ensure that public officials remain answerable and accessible to the people they serve. In the absence of such mechanisms, corruption may thrive."

                                                           —— U.S. Department of State

This article is non-partisan, aiming to gender equality across  U.S.   

1.  privileged class at Connecticut (CT)

CT Great-Assembly-appointed watchdog agencies   referred a male crony  Fabrice Baudoin ( "the subject") at  University of Connecticut (UConn)   to  CT democratic party (Dems)  leaders (  AG ,  Gov. Ned).  

(1)  Name---- Without the rule of law, privileged class rules

  • the subject:  Fabrice Baudoin,   CT Gov. Ned’s protégé,  a privileged aristocrat at UConn, professional incapability, cannot do exercises in elementary textbooks
  • Female W: Jing Wang, Baudoin's travel companion  
  • Jeana Vatamanelu: Baudoin's wife, beneficiary of nepotism.   zero publication
  • Female C:   Li  Chen,  Baudoin's travel companion,    

Ned protégé Fabrice Baudoin's  travel companions can be illuminated by the citation  "Each city has their own professional sex workers that keep clients entertained. That is the main goal behind any travel companion too."

 (2)      Fabrice Baudoin's crimes include, but not limited to, 

  •   teacher-student sexual misconducts  

Ned protégé Fabrice Baudoin went sightseeing with Female W (France, Japan, China, etc.) , and  sightseeing with/for Female C (Mexico, Germany,  China, etc.)   15  more times,  as in  this list

  • plagiarism poisons the minds of our next generation

 Gov. Ned's favorite enrichment is the scents that crony Baudoin's plagiarism leaves him

  •  unqualified hire  perpetuates  slavery and servitude, and spawns injustice.  

Gov. Ned enjoys  hiring  low-quality women for Fabrice Baudoin  at the public's expense.  The unqualified hire of Baudoin's zero-publication wife V and below-par travel escort C  as the kids' teacher is  a serious encroachment of taxpayers' money and is an egregious breach of public trust. 

The total abuse  amounts to 0.2 billion in 50 years (computed with compound interest 5.5% )



None of these is illegal at CT, because 

2. Connecticut is run by  one-party,  which defangs  civilian oversight over gov't

(1)  One-party inevitably leads to dictatorship & purges of all who say one word against  its cronies.


All anti-corruption instruments can become invalid and incapacitated, if  AG and Governor are from the same party.  For this reasons, more than  33 neighboring  states  free anti-corruption prosecutors from partisan control  by  setting up independent prosecutors:

At Connecticut (CT),  one single party has controlled  house, senate and governor's office for nearly 20 years,     and has monopolized   AG position for nearly 70 years .   


(2)  Power hijacks the justice system  

CT-Dems-leaders-controlled-UConn-Board (Ned-Board) destructs / fabricates documents for Fabrice Baudoin.      AG William Tong is either unwilling or unable to stop  Ned Board.  The corruption has to be paid by increasing tuition fee and tax. 

                         |  CT Dems leader Ned   |   Non-partisan


 a. FOIA  log    |          falsify                     |    don't falsify 


b. FOI request |     deny /  delay              |    don't  deny 


c.   scam          |       implement                |   no


d. evidence      |   delete / falsify             |    honest


e.  public          |   attack                           |   protect


f. education      |    bad policies              |   good policies


g. inflation        |     high                           |     low 


h. crime rate     |      high                          |      low


i. war                |      love  war                    |    hate war


j. free speech   |    criminalize                  |    need



  • a. FOIA  log :  Ned-Board falsifies all FOIA log related to  Baudoin.   This leads to asymmetric information and adverse selection for elections  to fail

  • b. FOIA request : Ned-Board is very talented in denying / delaying all FOIA request for crony Fabrice Baudoin.  For example,   Ned-Board  claims that Baudoin has no research fund.  To the best of my knowledge, by now, the public members have never received a single Baudoin FOIA email .

  • c. scam: By pretending to punish Baudoin, Ned Board obtained information about Baudoin .   For 10 more times,  the public prohibited Ned-Board from using any information.  However,  Ned-Board insists on requiring CT working families to  pay ‘kleptocracy rent’ to   crony  Fabrice Baudoin  ( see UConn file EP 33). 
  • d. evidence:    After  deleting Baudoin's webpage  in which Baudoin listed Chen as his supervisee,   Ned-Board  circulates 11 times  a lie  like "Li Chen was department chair's supervisee" (see UConn file EP 33).   Thereby,   Gov. Ned encourages female student to stay night with crony Fabrice Baudoin,   under the umbrella name of department chair's supervisee.     For details, see here

  • e. public :   Ned-Board attacks 6 more times anyone who criticizes Baudoin,   in UConn file EP 33
  • f. education:     More than 100 media outlets have condemned current  education policy (google search result of "tenure abolish").  This education policy not only discriminates against working class and non-tenured teachers,  but also extorts monopoly rent from working class.  What is worse, this education policy   impedes  wide-open  competition which is  the only method of improving education quality .

  • g.  inflation:    Firstly,   more than 30 media outlets  condemn  UConn's   salary, which is the highest in the US(see google search result of "uconn president salary").   UConn presidents get as high as 1 million each year .    Baudoin's personal salary is  4  times as high as a math professor's salary in  states governed by other parties.   Secondly,  every corner of UConn reeks of nepotism and cronyism.  In UConn file EP 33, Ned-Board celebrates the unqualified hire of zero-publication (low-publication) women for Baudoin.

  • h. crimes rate:  As a result of unregulated and unrestricted monopoly (CT one-party gov't)  ,   Ned-Board wastes million annually on hiring lawyers to fabricate evidence for crony Fabrice Baudoin.   Similarly,   federal Democrats leaders ( Biden) also exhibits high impunity.  This impunity benefits the few,  at the expense of the many.  This impunity  is the vehicle that ensures the continuity of the crimes


  • i. war:   Biden wastes several hundreds billions on ukraine war
  • j. free speech:    Despite strong opposition from  public hearing,  a few members of CT  Dems unilaterally pass   Bill  HB06410.  This bill criminalizes dissenters



(3)   CT laws deliberately shield Governor (AG) from liability,   and  make civilian oversight of Governor(AG) completely  impossible

 In such states as Pennsylvania (PA) and   New York (NYC),   public corruption cases are reported  to the public.    In such states as Louisiana (LA),   chief prosecutors put their signatures in reports, and open the reports in website for public scrutiny.

In contrast,  some CT provisions / laws are anti-accountability &  anti-transparency:

  • CT  corruption law, which exempts governor (AG) from  reporting  public corruption cases  to public  
  •  CT  FOIA , which hides  unpublish corruption case in AG from the public forever
  • secrecy provisions and laws,  which block civilian oversight over misconduct accusations.   

One example is  the secrecy provision that AG William Tong adds into false claim act.  Another example is Senate Bill 1154.    CT gov't uses at least 12 million public fund each year to collect misconduct accusations.  These information usually cost whistleblowers  their lives and careers.    Some public officials  (e.g.  Ned-UConn trustees) use these information to  collude with predators and to delete / fabricate evidence.    Media condemns  CT Dems senator, house and AG Tong for  secrecy law Senate Bill 1154 , which conceals  long-lasting impunity and  bans  citizens from reviewing the misconduct accusations:

Consequently, CT citizens can neither discern impunity,  nor know government's barriers of civilian oversight.  Most CT people successively vote for  politicians who draft secrecy laws.  This is adverse selection under information asymmetry.     Media believes that AG Tong deserves a removal from his office  for CT eternal impunity





3. Victims in the Fabrice Baudoin case are woefully uninformed

   Taxpayers and  all  public members:  Ned protégé Fabrice Baudoin is a cancer that eats society's organs, and  is violating Your Constitutional Rights !  The abuse fund is Your tax money, via NSF and department of education.  Through his multi-directional and systematic crimes,  the subject  distorts   public policies,  derails  government accountability,  demotivates  other employees,  and depletes public resource.

(2) Students:  Ned protégé Fabrice Baudoin's original degree is in mathematical finance.    Ned's protégé Baudoin seldom  distributes solutions to students in his courses.  Instead,  he lures others to do exercises for him. The kids are not being afforded the quality education that they deserve and require.

(3) Employees:  Public fund and private assets have been exclusively and illegitimately converted into Ned protégé Fabrice Baudoin's pecuniary and sexual gains.      This will destroy other employees'  morale and lead to institutional decay. 

(4) Scientists:  Baudoin used fabricated projects to steal results from other employees.  Many scientists at UConn and around the world have become Baudoin plagiarism’s victims.

(5)  Other victims .  Being atrocious  and greedy, Gov. Ned's protégé   fabricates various items to swindle/ bully  innocent victims to suicide attempt.     In the absence of hotline method, nobody knows the exact number of victims. The victims don't speak up because they feel shame, fear of getting in trouble, or avoid stigma/labels. The victims hold on to the pain in silence and might have been engulfed.  

For example,  using fabricated projects, the subject caused an innocent victim's periodic paralysis.    Specifically, the victim was in severe pain and had difficulty in carrying out daily activities such as getting up from a chair, sitting down and walking. 




4.   Ned-Board-kleptocracy is a recurring pattern and a systematic risk 

Ned-Board categorizes employees   into the privileged aristocrats (e.g. the subject) and ordinary employees.  Ordinary employees,   who are accused  of committing crimes, receive harsh penalties,  while  the privileged aristocrats (e.g. the subject)   are insulated   from the consequences of violating law. 

  • case 1:    the attorneys (Christine Cieplinski ) who fight the corrupt privileged class are purged, while the individuals who whitewash the privileged class are elevated. UConn Board racketeering  is captured in this below article 

  • case 2:      A typical victim can be found at google search result of "UConn sexual". ​

The above mentioned  cases and the subject's case  are manipulated by similar Ned-UConn-lawyers.    In fact, UConn whitewash system has been detected by such media as  Yankee Institute, nbcconnecticut, wtnh, wfsb, etc.   

UConn privileged class'  victims are exponentially increasing .  UConn privileged class'  crimes can make witnesses (or victims)  feel humiliated and overwhelmed with shame.   Most  witnesses (or victims) would rather suffer in silence  than  bear the embarrassment of reporting crimes to UConn rulers.       Only a tiny fraction of  witnesses (or victims) ,    for the purpose of preventing the privileged class ( predators)  from ruining more public members, divulge their experiences to the rulers.    These witnesses (or victims)  usually view   Ned-UConn lawyers as the most trustworthy and respectable persons in the world.  

However, as long as the witnesses (or victims) are weak, Ned-UConn-lawyers delete the UConn privilege class'   criminal evidence.    According to a newspaper, Daily Campus, "only 3.75% was investigated. All were found not guilty".




5. A plan to fix law loopholes 

It is necessary to  convert "one-party secret impunity gov't"   into   "civilian oversight & Open gov't" .  American democracy  rests on the faith in  "government by laws, and not by men" .     

(1)   Establish  a Public  Protection Officerwho must  accept complaints  electronically and report to the public.  The Public  Protection Officer disciplines /sanctions  gov't officials, when  gov't officials ( e.g. Governor, AG)  infringe public interest or create anti-responsibility legal provisions.

(2)  Make  public-agency-whitewash-system  an impeachable offense for gov't officials ( e.g. Governor, AG) .  In UConn file EP 33,  Governor Ned's UConn Board proudly declares  that sending a female student to travel with fabrice baudoin can further university reputation and enhance the productivity of university community.  As such,  UConn trustees, in particular Gov. Ned , should send their own  daughters to stay night with Fabrice Baudoin.   

(3) FOIA

  • Request CT FOI commission to accept complaints  electronically.   Outlaw its failure to reply emails
  • Extend FOIA to all gov't officials (e.g. Governor,  AG). Enforce broad transparency requirements for all gov't activities .
  •  Impose   $1000  penalty to Governor,  corresponding to each falsified FOIA log.     

(4) anti-corruption laws

  • Require decision-maker (e.g. Governor, AG)  to  publish item-wise  report,  in AG website within 1 year of receiving misconducts accusation from watchdogs.   
  • Require gov't officials ( e.g. Governor, AG ) to  publicly justify impunity
  • Revoke public election fund for AG, whenever AG turns a blind eye to destruction and fabrication of evidence in  public corruption cases. 


Detrimental impact of impunity:


In summary,  time to take power away from the privileged class in CT one-party gov't  and to put it back where it belongs — in the hands of the people.  I wish that public members write a letter to editors related to Fabrice Baudoin as follows .     Meanwhile, AG William Tong    must   arrest  Fabrice Baudoin;   Gov. Ned must stop serving Fabrice Baudoin. 


Sign Petition Create Campaign
Started April 19 , 2023
Supporters 338
Interested 2,878
Category Criminal Justice
Days Left 27288 days
Origin connecticut, United States
Sign Petition

Why You Should Care

Media finds that  Connecticut (CT) permanent majority-party is shrouded in cronyism, which is exactly kleptocracy

"Democrats, who have long dominated the government and come to do whatever they please, granting all kinds of lucrative goodies, jobs, lavish contracts, even bloated lifetime pensions, to cronies."

The above cronyism is partially achieved by UConn whitewash system, which is   CT government's machine.   


Democracy’s goal is to have a plural and tolerant society. For this to happen successfully, citizens should be able to criticize those who are in power.  The right to petition gov't is defended under the First Amendment of the Constitution.    Freedom of petition    is one of the core pillars  of democracy and brings about the exchange of ideas and opinions.  Only when  freedom of petition  lasts throughout a government’s term,   will the citizens live in a fair and equal  society


Only when CT Dems take steps to  accommodate  freedom of petition and to fight impunity,   will the nation begin its ascension to true democracy.   



 Fabrice Baudoin at University of Connecticut (UConn)  is a corruption case and  has been sneakily awarded impunity.   CT is run by a one-party gov't----- CT democratic party (Dems) dominates house, senator, AG and Governor.   Most members at CT Dems  are good people. Nevertheless, one-party-controlled-UConn-Board ( hereafter "Ned-Board") 


deletes  / fabricates  evidence  for Fabrice  Baudoin

 denies all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests , and falsifies all FOIA logs for Baudoin

transfers  huge amount  of wealth to privileged class (e.g. Fabrice Baudoin)  while driving average American into poverty  

praises Fabrice Baudoin's illegal conducts



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August 02 , 2023, Transparent Food Container,

August 01 , 2023, ???????????,

August 01 , 2023, Cool Pin Badges,

July 31 , 2023, Electric Derma Pen,

July 31 , 2023, Aluminum Tray Round,

July 31 , 2023, Surface Lapping,

July 30 , 2023

Hey, Admin As a small business owner, “be a graphic design expert” probably wasn’t what you signed up for. takes this process off your hands, giving you incredible wallet-opening ad creatives. Test, test, and test some more the easy way. You’ll also get a $500 Google Ad Credit for signing up! Start your 7-day trial today -> Best, James

Brook, Gavere, Malaysia

July 30 , 2023, ?????????????????????????,

July 30 , 2023, iphone6???????,

July 29 , 2023, Led Ceiling Light Lamp,

July 29 , 2023, ??????????????,

July 29 , 2023, Camping Light,

July 28 , 2023, Hologram Stamping Foil Transfer,

July 28 , 2023, 867698525,

July 28 , 2023, ?????????????,

July 28 , 2023, Galvanised Malleable Iron Tee,

July 27 , 2023, ???????????????,

July 27 , 2023

Hey, Admin As a small business owner, “be a graphic design expert” probably wasn’t what you signed up for. takes this process off your hands, giving you incredible wallet-opening ad creatives. Test, test, and test some more the easy way. You’ll also get a $500 Google Ad Credit for signing up! Start your 7-day trial today -> Best, James

Andres, Leavenworth, Tanzania

July 27 , 2023, ??????? ?? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ????,

July 26 , 2023, ???????????????,

July 26 , 2023, ???????????????????????,

July 26 , 2023, ??????????????,

July 25 , 2023, Flash Drives,

July 25 , 2023, 171611701L,

July 24 , 2023, ?????????,

July 24 , 2023, On Grid Solar System,

July 23 , 2023, STM32F401CEU6,

July 22 , 2023, Clone Pcb Board,

July 22 , 2023, EPE Foam sheet slicing/slicer/slitting/cutting machine,

July 22 , 2023, ?????????????,

July 21 , 2023, ?????????????????????????,

July 21 , 2023, Customized case of paperback notebook,

July 21 , 2023, Soft PU Sports Insoles,

July 21 , 2023, Titanium Welding Wire,

July 21 , 2023, ???????a??,

July 20 , 2023, Metal Alloy Nanoparticle,

July 19 , 2023, T Bolts,

July 19 , 2023, ??????????????????????????,

July 18 , 2023, Cast Bronze Straight Type Oilless Bushing,

July 18 , 2023, ??????????????,

July 17 , 2023

Hello, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you today to introduce our high DA (Domain Authority) backlink service, designed to give your website's SEO a significant boost. As you know backlinks not only drive traffic but also enhance your website's online visibility. With our service, your website will appear in front of a wider audience and generate good traffic. The main attraction of my service is price. YES You heard it right. Our high domain authority backlinks start from 12$. For Guest Post website link, please contact with us via Skype for fast reply or reply on this email. If you want more details, then click here: Let me know if you have any questions. If you don't want any message in future just reply with "NO".

Tyson, Sandnes, Samoa

July 17 , 2023, Low Carbon Steel Bi Metal Bearings,

July 16 , 2023, ????????????????????,

July 15 , 2023, ???????s?,

July 14 , 2023

Dear Webmaster., Introducing - the premier AI-powered advertising platform that's taking the industry by storm! As a Global Partner with Google and a Premier Partner, we have exclusive access to the latest tools and insights to help your business succeed. And now, we're offering new users $500 in free Google Ad Credits to get started with advertising - no upfront costs, no hidden fees. With, you'll enjoy advanced AI algorithms that optimize your campaigns for maximum impact, as well as seamless integration with Google Ads for unparalleled performance. Don't wait - sign up for our free trial today a and experience the power of for yourself!

Otilia, Gadara, Virgin Islands (US)

July 14 , 2023, ???????????????????????????,

July 13 , 2023, Night Vision Device,

July 13 , 2023, ?????????????,

July 13 , 2023, Manufacturer Wholesale 10kg Plastic Bag Dog Food Bag,

July 12 , 2023, Plastic bags for rice packaging,

July 11 , 2023

Hey, Admin As a small business owner, “be a graphic design expert” probably wasn’t what you signed up for. takes this process off your hands, giving you incredible wallet-opening ad creatives. Test, test, and test some more the easy way. You’ll also get a $500 Google Ad Credit for signing up! Start your 7-day trial today -> Best, James

Kandis, Greenwood, Vietnam

July 11 , 2023, ????????????,

July 11 , 2023, Internal Tube Clamp,

July 10 , 2023;s-skycam-network!/, CCTV Surveillance,

July 10 , 2023, ???????????,

July 09 , 2023, ?????????????,

July 09 , 2023

Dear Webmaster., Introducing - the premier AI-powered advertising platform that's taking the industry by storm! As a Global Partner with Google and a Premier Partner, we have exclusive access to the latest tools and insights to help your business succeed. And now, we're offering new users $500 in free Google Ad Credits to get started with advertising - no upfront costs, no hidden fees. With, you'll enjoy advanced AI algorithms that optimize your campaigns for maximum impact, as well as seamless integration with Google Ads for unparalleled performance. Don't wait - sign up for our free trial today a and experience the power of for yourself!

Sal, Dybvad, Democratic Republic Of The Congo

July 07 , 2023, POM Copper Plating Dry Sliding Bearing,

July 06 , 2023, ????????????,

July 06 , 2023, Blanket Big Size,

July 05 , 2023, Automatic Oil Fume Purifier,

July 05 , 2023, Hot Line Voltage Indicator,

July 04 , 2023, 4mm2 Cable Din Rail Push In Terminal Block Anti Inflaming 24 AWG,

July 03 , 2023

Hey, Admin As a small business owner, “be a graphic design expert” probably wasn’t what you signed up for. takes this process off your hands, giving you incredible wallet-opening ad creatives. Test, test, and test some more the easy way. You’ll also get a $500 Google Ad Credit for signing up! Start your 7-day trial today -> Best, James

Marty, Bagheria, Saint Kitts And Nevis

July 03 , 2023, Parker Transformer,

July 02 , 2023, ??????????????,

July 01 , 2023, ???????????,

July 01 , 2023, ?????????,

June 30 , 2023, ??????????????????????????,

June 30 , 2023

Hello Webmaster!, Introducing - the premier AI-powered advertising platform that's taking the industry by storm! As a Global Partner with Google and a Premier Partner, we have exclusive access to the latest tools and insights to help your business succeed. And now, we're offering new users $500 in free Google Ad Credits to get started with advertising - no upfront costs, no hidden fees. With, you'll enjoy advanced AI algorithms that optimize your campaigns for maximum impact, as well as seamless integration with Google Ads for unparalleled performance. Don't wait - sign up for our free trial today a and experience the power of for yourself!

Michelle, Paris, Falkland Islands

June 29 , 2023, Biodegradable glue coating machine waterproof, oil proof,

June 29 , 2023, Powerjet Injection Molding Machine,

June 29 , 2023, IP55 Series Surface Switch and Socket,

June 28 , 2023, H07Z-U(Solid CU LSZH),

June 27 , 2023, Energy Storage Connector,

June 27 , 2023, ???????????????????????,

June 26 , 2023, Mini Medical Kit,

June 25 , 2023, ????????????????????????,

June 25 , 2023, iphone8????????????,

June 25 , 2023, Barrier Gate,

June 24 , 2023, JST 6 Ground Terminal Block , Spring Type Terminal Block IEC Standard Connection,

June 24 , 2023, 630A NH3 gG Knife-Blade HRC Fuse,

June 24 , 2023, Massage Shampoo Brush,

June 23 , 2023, Energy Storage Connector,

June 23 , 2023, PVC Sheathed Cable,

June 23 , 2023, Rechargeable Brushless Nail Drill Set Professional 45w 35000rpm,

June 21 , 2023, 15KV/25KV 600A Doadbreak TIIT Connector,

June 20 , 2023, ?????????,

June 19 , 2023, Spykke Rent A Power Bank,

June 19 , 2023, IP66 Series Australia Standard Waterproof Surface Socket with Switch,

June 18 , 2023, Plastic Double-Sided Magnifying Makeup Mirror,

June 18 , 2023, ?????????????????,

June 18 , 2023, Automatic Thermoformer,

June 17 , 2023, Multifunctional Body Massager,

June 16 , 2023, ???????,

June 13 , 2023

Hey there owner of RallyCall | Home, Confetti is flying, trumpets are sounding, and I'm here sending you a dynamic cyber-wave! My name is Alvin Sheets, a bonafide digital wizard who's head over heels with the charming realm of online marketing. As I was sojourning through the glittering cosmos of the web, I discovered your flashing star of a site, RallyCall | Home. A light bulb moment hit me: what if you could ignite your SEO with a touch of AI magic? Buckle up, because I'm about to unveil a stunning event that could catapult your web presence into celestial success. Ta-da! Here's your precious ticket, at no cost: Join us for the grand parade of the digital age, titled, "Navigating the Digital Revolution: Amplify SEO Through AI". This event is where SEO and AI meet, like two salsa enthusiasts twirling at the border of the dance floor. Here's a cheerful little preview of what's in store: A thrilling unveiling of AI-SEO tools that are spinning the digital marketing world around (in a good way, of course). Detailed masterclasses led by the icons of the industry. A VIP glimpse into the future trends of AI-SEO. (Psst... you'll be in the front line!) Informative chinwags with the champions of AI and SEO. Nuggets of wisdom on how to sail the AI-SEO wave for a yummy competitive edge. Imagine this as a fiesta of knowledge, networking, and profound insights. It's your shot to drink from the fountain of industry knowledge, meet up with the online-savvy crowd, and employ the power of AI-SEO to rocket your site into another dimension. I'm humming with excitement for you to leap into this opportunity! This could be your winning ticket to new insights and sky-high online success. Until then our paths cross again in the digital realm, Alvin Sheets P.S. If the SEO for your site is already tip-top, feel free to ignore this. But if you're in search of that extra oomph, make a beeline for your ticket before they disappear like hotcakes!

Alvin, Norcross, Seychelles

June 10 , 2023, IP66 Outdoors Waterproof Charging Column,

June 10 , 2023, Barrel Connector,

June 10 , 2023, 12 Module Capacity Socket Box Black Cover Plastic Floor Socket,

June 08 , 2023, Dual Sided Power Meter,

June 07 , 2023, Highland Barley Rice,

June 07 , 2023

Hey Fellow Business Owner, Hope this message finds you crushing it in the online marketing game. I've got something epic to share with you today that'll blow your mind and take your Google My Business (GMB) domination to a whole new level. Buckle up, my friend, because it's time to introduce you to CTR Booster ( – the ultimate weapon for click-through rate optimization. You know how crucial it is to make your GMB listing stand out, right? Well, get ready to leave your competitors in the dust. CTR Booster, developed by the geniuses at, is designed to skyrocket your click-through rate and make your GMB listing the irresistible choice for potential customers. Check out the insane benefits of adding CTR Booster to your SEO arsenal: Crush Your CTR Records: CTR Booster employs wickedly advanced algorithms and battle-tested strategies to optimize your click-through rate on GMB. Kiss average CTRs goodbye, my friend. Get ready to shatter your KPI's and watch as your listing climbs to the top, leaving competitors scratching their heads. Outrank and Outshine: Time to go from average Joe to SEO superhero. With CTR Booster, you can outperform your competitors, leaving them in the dust. Manipulate that click-through rate like a boss and secure top rankings on GMB. You'll become the local legend everyone looks up to, while others wonder how the heck you did it. Traffic Galore: Picture this – a stampede of highly targeted traffic rushing to your business. CTR Booster makes it happen. By optimizing your click-through rate, you'll attract a swarm of potential customers who can't resist clicking on your listing. Get ready to welcome more foot traffic, more inquiries, and more sales than ever before. Now, here's the kicker. I've managed to score you an exclusive 30% discount on CTR Booster ( That's right, my friend, a whopping 30% off to unlock the true power of click-through rate manipulation. Just click on this link now ( to claim your copy of CTR Booster and lock in your low price. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Take action now and grab your unfair advantage in the SEO game. Head over to our website [] to learn more about CTR Booster and secure your copy today. And hey, if you've got any questions or need ninja-level support, my team is ready to rock and roll. Prepare to dominate GMB like never before with CTR Booster. Don't forget to use promo code BOOST30 to claim your 30% discount! Cheers, SEO Enthusiast and Traffic Ninja CTR Booster Sales Rep Max Winters

Sergio, Scopello, Mauritania

June 04 , 2023, Fiberglass E-Glass,

June 02 , 2023, Engine Training Platform,

June 01 , 2023, ?????????????,

June 01 , 2023, ??????????,

May 31 , 2023

Hello, I trust this message finds you in good health. I recently had the opportunity to explore your website, In doing so, I identified a remarkable opportunity that could significantly elevate your brand's reputation and user engagement. Imagine a scenario where your users have the benefit of immediate, round-the-clock assistance. This capability could not only increase user satisfaction but also catapult your brand's standing to new levels. Intrigued? Further details can be explored through this link: This enhancement comes with straightforward pricing and secure processing. Incorporating it into your platform could set a new precedent for user experience in your industry. Seize this opportunity to revolutionize your website's functionality. Remember, the key to remarkable improvement is just a click away. Take action now and avail yourself of an exclusive FREE trial. Best regards, Mr Beast

Emilia, New York City, Guinea-Bissau

May 31 , 2023, Generadores Stamford De 40 K W,

May 31 , 2023, ?????????????????????????,

May 30 , 2023

Dear Owner of RallyCall | Home, I trust this message greets you in the best of spirits. My name is Rafaela Guajardo, a passionate follower of digital marketing. Upon examining your site,, I observed the possibility that an AI-infused SEO strategy could unleash for your digital presence, leading to increased traffic, user engagement, and overall visibility. That’s why I want to introduce an event that I feel could greatly improve your web presence. And guess what? You can get your free ticket right here: The event, "Navigating the Digital Revolution: Amplify SEO Through AI," is at the cutting edge of integrating Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Here's a glimpse of what the event promises: An revelation to revolutionary AI-SEO tools that are reshaping the digital marketing landscape. Detailed masterclass sessions led by industry experts. Exclusive previews of the emerging trends in AI-SEO. Captivating interactions with trailblazers of AI and SEO. Essential insights on leveraging AI-SEO to gain a competitive superiority. This distinctive gathering offers an excellent opportunity to absorb insights from industry experts, network with similarly driven professionals, and capitalize on the power of AI-SEO to propel your online platform to new peaks. I firmly believe that you could obtain unmatched insights from this event and am delighted to share this with you. Kind regards, Rafaela P.S. If improving SEO for your online presence is not your concern, please ignore this message. However, if it's important to you, grab your tickets before they're sold out.

Rafaela, Trondheim, Barbados

May 30 , 2023, Matt Matte Wrinkle Surface Prepainted Galvalume Steel Coil,

May 30 , 2023, ?????????????,

May 28 , 2023

Enjoy the Best IPTV Service at affordable prices! Sign up now & get access to over 20000+ Live TV Channels + VODs EPG, that work on all of your favorite devices. Click Link Below

Solomon, Earsdon Moor, South Sudan

May 27 , 2023, African Candle,

May 25 , 2023, ?????????????????????????,

May 24 , 2023, Making Ammonium Sulfate,

May 22 , 2023, iphone?????????????,

May 22 , 2023, Motorcycle Uncut Keys Blank Key For HONDA Thai Scimitar PCX Lead 125,

May 21 , 2023, iphonexs??????????,

May 19 , 2023, Aluminium cabinet profiles,

May 19 , 2023

Dear Webmaster. Are you struggling to get your website to rank on search engines like Google? As a top SEO expert on Fiverr, I can help. I offer a complete SEO analysis report that includes a manual site analysis, a review of your onsite/offsite ranking factors, and identification of top ranking drop causes and penalty risks. Plus, my expert reports provide detailed explanations, recommendations, and action plans that you can act on to improve your ranks and avoid penalties. With over 10 years of experience and 10,000+ satisfied clients, I have the expertise you need to take your site's rankings to the next level. You can check out my services at this link: Please note that my gig is not for SEO experts or marketing agencies who can do their own audits. I do not provide traffic/keyword/content help. If you're interested in improving your site's search engine rankings, please feel free to contact me for more information. Best regards, Raz

Christal, Concord, New Zealand

May 18 , 2023, 18650 Battery Pack Bms,

May 17 , 2023, Motor Shafts Parts CNC Turning,

May 16 , 2023, ????????????,

May 15 , 2023, Cnc Machining Aerospace,

May 15 , 2023, Coating Forged Aluminum Nonstick Cookware Set,

May 15 , 2023, ???????????????????????????,

May 14 , 2023, ?????????????????,

May 12 , 2023, ???????????????,

May 11 , 2023, Interior Ceiling Board,

May 11 , 2023, Round Stainless Steel,

May 10 , 2023, Curved Fiberglass Beam,

May 10 , 2023, ??????????????????????,

May 09 , 2023, ????????????,

May 09 , 2023, ???????????????????,

May 09 , 2023, Beer Koozie Stubby Holder,

May 07 , 2023, Mineral Processing Use Anionic Polyacrylamide,

May 06 , 2023, 525 4479 Engine throttle motor governor,

May 05 , 2023, ?????????????????????????,

May 04 , 2023, Reusable Sillicone Laryngeal Mask,

May 03 , 2023

Hello, I noticed you are using Google AdWords to promote your company; therefore, I wanted to share this offer of $500 in free Google ad credit with you. Indeed, this is real and effective, and here´s how: Every new user who registers on this website and links to their Google Ads account will receive a $500 free ad credit. It´s called and helps companies with their digital marketing campaigns. To get your free credit, go to I hope you find this offer helpful!

Kaley, Lammhult, Papua new Guinea

May 01 , 2023, Hi Tech Machining,

April 30 , 2023, ?????????????,

April 29 , 2023, Image Analyzer,

April 28 , 2023, ??????????????????????????,

April 28 , 2023, 3.17 inch TFT LCD Module 45PIN,

April 27 , 2023, Cast Iron Green Teapot,

April 26 , 2023

RallyCall | connecticut corruption pbzdwfsfn apbzdwfsfn [url=]upbzdwfsfn[/url], pbzdwfsfn,

April 26 , 2023

Dear Management, I noticed some issues with your website's SEO, such as a lack of keyword optimization and slow page load times. As an experienced SEO expert, I can help you to improve your website's search engine rankings and bring in more targeted traffic. If you're interested in improving your website's SEO, please visit to learn more about my services and to get in touch. I'd be happy to discuss your goals and objectives and provide you with a custom SEO proposal that's tailored to your needs. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Best regards, Kuldeep Singh

Lila, Jordrup, Cuba

April 19 , 2023

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