Started By Julie Ferrara, New York City & Beyond, United States Message Julie Ferrara

Tino Gagliardi, International President - American Federation of Musicians (AFM)

July 1, 2022
Read a message from our former AFM President Ray Hair about Pamphlet B in this article from the International Musician's Officer Columns. Pamphlet B and Short Engagement Tour Agreements Ratified, Divisive Issues Remain | International Musician

Please sign this petition to support the AFM Pamphlet B/SET workers' (Touring Theatre Musicians) right to organize elected representation.


This document seeks to create a Touring Theatre Committee (TTC) constructed of the AFM Tour Stewards (the number of Stewards will equal the total number of actively touring Pamphlet B/SET productions). The goal of this proposal is to achieve recognition for stewards as elected delegates with the authorization to represent Pamphlet B/SET contract workers. For such committee to operate, this document must be recognized by the International Executive Board (IEB), AFM President, and Director of Touring Theatre and Immigration Services. 


To establish Bylaws for the creation of a duly elected body through which AFM Tour Stewards may be authorized to speak on the behalf of Pamphlet B/SET workers at AFM Conventions, Pamphlet B/SET Negotiations, and any AFM affiliated meetings at which Pamphlet B/SET workers may benefit from representation. 

At this time, Jon Ferrone (IEB), Ray Hair (AFM President), and George Fiddler (Director of Touring) have reviewed this document and acknowledge that it is Pamphlet B workers’ right to organize a self-governing committee that serves as a safe space for travelers to discuss concerns that are specific to the Pamphlet B/SET contract and to road life culture. This document has not yet been recognized.


Lack of Representation
No elected body has ever existed to represent the interests of Pamphlet B/SET workers, and touring musicians’ interests have been historically under-represented. For example, the 2016 Pamphlet B/SET Negotiating Team included: AFM International President, AFM International Vice President, 2 AFM International Officers, 5 Local Officers (Boston, St. Louis, Detroit, San Francisco, Chicago), AFM Counsel, AFM Director of Touring Theatre, AFM Touring Contract Administrator, 2 Theatre Musicians Association (TMA) Representatives, and 2 Appointed Road Player Reps. Changing Channels: from Pamphlet B to SRLA, Network Television | International Musician


Local representatives vastly outnumber Touring Musicians at the negotiations for their own contract, and none of these touring reps are elected by their own bargaining unit. It is time for Pamphlet B/SET workers to organize and speak with a collective voice.



The idea for this document originates from the August/September 2022 “Transparency” Steward Meetings when the AFM Tour Stewards expressed frustration with AFM leadership and the lack of transparent communication. The creation of a duly elected body to represent the voices of touring musicians to the AFM leadership was recommended. This document is the result of that conversation.

Right to Organize

Consultation with International Executive Board (IEB) Asst Secretary Jon Ferrone resulted in the conclusion that Pamphlet B/SET workers have the right to organize under the AFM Bylaws. According to the Asst Secretary, nothing exists in the AFM Bylaws to either prohibit or promote the formation of a Pamphlet B/SET workers committee. If musicians who work under the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement wish to organize, they may do so.


Under the AFM Bylaws, a committee formed of workers who all work under a single contract may be self-regulating. For example, this means that such committee would not be restricted from holding electronic meetings (which are currently prohibited by the AFM Bylaws), as long as electronic meetings are included in the committee’s constitution/bylaws. 

In order to serve as a representative body for Pamphlet B/SET workers, the proposed committee needs to fulfill three requirements: bylaws, membership, and recognition. This starting document has been reviewed by AFM Leadership including Jon Ferrone (IEB Asst Secretary), Ray Hair (Federation President), and George Fiddler (Director of Touring Theater and Immigration Services). To become recognized, Touring Theatre Musicians who work under the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement must organize and request recognition from the incoming administration. The countdown ticker on this petition displays the number of days until the new Federation President takes office on August 1, 2023.


Road Player Rep vs Touring Theatre Committee Delegate

At this time, the voices of touring musicians are only represented through AFM surveys and two Presidentially Appointed Road Player Reps. The appointment of “Road Player Reps” by the Federation President is a practice which resulted from the need for representation of Pamphlet B/SET touring musicians at negotiations and grievance hearings. However, the role of Road Player Rep is neither designated nor defined in the AFM Bylaws or Pamphlet B/SET Agreement. Road Player Reps serve only in the capacity of “expert witness” at the behest of the Federation President. Alternatively, Touring Theatre Committee steward delegates would be elected to represent the concerns of their individual bands to the Touring Theatre Committee, and the Committee Chair/Vice Chair recognized by the Federation President to assist in business that directly affect Pamphlet B/SET workers. 

TC Bylaws Model
This document mirrors the Broadway Theater Committee Bylaws. The BTC Bylaws serve as a model to structure and organize representation for Broadway Tours. However, the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement is a National Agreement, and therefore the structure of the committee and any potential involvement in the Pamphlet B negotiating team must reflect the differences between local and national contracts. The AFM Tour Stewards must review, discuss, and revise this document to more accurately reflect the specific working conditions of Pamphlet B/SET musicians. The following document is a starting point, not a finished product, pending review, discussion, and approval by the AFM Tour Stewards and AFM leadership.


Next Steps - Looking Ahead

Once the Touring Theatre Committee (TTC) is recognized, the next step is to begin building community with all Theater Musicians, both Local and Traveling. For example, the creation of a Joint Local-Traveler Theatre Committee and participation by Touring Theatre Committee members in other theater musician community activities shall be recommended.

Joint Traveler - Local Theatre Committee

A Joint Traveler-Local Theatre Committee may be created, potentially in cooperation with the Theatre Musicians Association (TMA). The purpose of such a Joint Committee may be the creation of community building practices between Local and Travelers, and the exploration of methods to remediate Non-Union Theater Productions.


The ultimate goal of this document is the establishment of a Touring Theatre Committee (TTC) constructed of elected representation (Steward Delegates) who are authorized to speak on the behalf of Pamphlet B/SET workers at AFM Conventions, Pamphlet B/SET Negotiations, and any AFM affiliated meetings at which Pamphlet B/SET workers may benefit from representation. Once elected representation has been recognized by the AFM President, the formation of collaborative committees such as Joint Traveler-Local Committees may be recommended for the improvement of working conditions for all Theatre Musicians.


Who was previously included in Pamphlet B negotiating teams & why?

Read some more of the history here:
June 2002: President’s Report | Local 802 AFM

September 2001: President’s Report | Local 802 AFM

February 2000: Touring Musicians Ratify Agreement; Disney to be Covered by Pamphlet B | Local 802 AFM

AFM Touring Theatre Musicians must organize now if they want to have a collective voice and elected representation in their August 2023 Pamphlet B/SET contract negotiations.



UPDATE - JULY 21, 2023





Updated Draft: July 21, 2023


It shall be the function of the Touring Theatre Committee (TTC) to act as the liaison between the AFM’s International Executive Board (IEB), Federation President, Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services and the regular and substitute musicians and music preparation personnel working in Touring Broadway shows  (hereafter Touring Theatre Community), to provide a safe forum for the Touring Theatre Community to discuss work-related issues, to promote the interests of the Touring Theatre Community and to pursue any other activities conducive to the general welfare and artistic well-being of the Touring Theatre Community as a Committee of and in accordance with the Bylaws of the AFM. The Touring Theatre Committee shall participate in contract negotiations as set forth herein. 


A. Each orchestra touring under the Pamphlet B/SET Collective Bargaining Agreement (hereafter CBA) shall elect a company Steward (accepted as standard practice againstPamphlet B/SET Agreement Rule 19B) who also shall serve as the primary delegate to the Touring Theatre Committee. Each orchestra shall also elect one alternate delegate to the Touring Theatre Committee. These elections shall take place before the opening of the show or as soon thereafter as possible. It shall be the primary responsibility of each delegate to attend Touring Theatre Committee meetings and represent the members of the Touring Theatre Community who perform in the production from which the delegate has been elected. 

B. Non-delegate members of the Touring Theatre Community who worked  under the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement (irrespective of Rule 24 Layoff status) during the current contract term or who voted in the most recent Pamphlet B/SET CBA ratification shall be eligible to attend Committee meetings, but shall not be eligible to vote. Non-delegate AFM President Appointed Road Player Reps may attend all committee meetings, but shall not be eligible to vote. 

C. Regular delegates as described in section A of this Article shall be eligible to vote at Touring Theatre Committee meetings regardless of their rate of attendance. If both the delegate and the alternate delegate are present at a meeting, only the regular delegate shall be eligible to vote. If an alternate delegate is attending the meeting in place of a regular delegate they shall be eligible to vote. 

D. TTC Delegates may continue to participate and vote on TTC matters during the course of a Pamphlet B/SET contract term (usually a 3-year term) whether their show is open or closed.

E. Persons currently employed as Music Coordinators [Contractors], Music Directors, Music Supervisors, Primary Conductors or persons currently holding other supervisory positions for touring shows, Broadway shows and Tony-eligible productions, or Local Theatre employers and employees and titled officers of Any AFM Local may not be delegates and may not vote on committee business (See Appendices A and B). Associate and Assistant Conductors are allowed to be delegates and vote. 

F. Music Directors who travel with the touring production, although serving in supervisory role, also work under the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement and are affected by its terms and conditions. To have all voices represented, these Music Directors are welcome to participate at TTC meetings. Each committee meeting will begin with an open-door session for MDs. After initial tour reports and other business discussions are completed, the TTC Chair will call for an executive session. Only Steward-Delegates and Alternate Delegates may attend executive sessions. This will create a safe space for musicians to share sensitive issues and protect MDs from any concern of breaking confidentiality.  

G. Regular attendance by the elected delegates as described in section A of this Article is encouraged with the expectation that one of the two delegates (one regular delegate and one alternate delegate) per touring production be in attendance at each meeting. If an orchestra has been without representation by its regular or alternate delegates for three consecutive Touring Theatre Committee meetings, the Committee shall request that the AFM Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services, the Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson of the Touring Theatre Committee notify the orchestra that it has been without representation at Committee meetings, and discuss with the orchestra how best to remedy the situation.

H. Every Touring Theatre Committee delegate shall act as a liaison between the Touring Theatre Community and the Touring Theatre Committee and disseminate pertinent information. Voting stewards or alternate delegates shall faithfully represent their band's majority position.

I. All Touring Theatre Committee delegates shall protect the anonymity of members of the Touring Theatre Community, respect the rights of all Committee members (See Appendix C) and maintain prudent confidentiality of Touring Theatre Committee meetings at all times. 

J. If a Touring Theatre Committee member’s employment status changes to a position defined in section D of this Article and they can no longer attend regular meetings, their attendance record shall be frozen until such time as they regain eligibility to attend regular meetings. Whether they were an elected show steward or alternate delegate, their attendance record will be restored at the previous level starting at the first meeting after such employment ends. It is the responsibility of the member to inform the Chair of the date of commencement and date of termination of such employment. 


A. The officers of the Touring Theatre Committee shall include a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary or Secretaries, Treasurer and a Technology Officer. The Touring Theatre Committee shall elect them by voting for a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Technology Officer. 

1. Eligibility for Office: Only Touring Theatre Committee delegates who are members in good standing of their AFM Local and currently touring under the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement (regardless of Rule 24 Layoff status) may be nominated for Chairperson. By majority vote, the committee may require speeches or submitted biographies to demonstrate experience of the Chairperson nominees. Any Touring Theatre Committee delegate who is a member in good standing of their AFM Local may be nominated for Secretary, Treasurer or Technology Officer. Should any officer’s position in the Touring Theatre Community cease to meet any of these above qualifications, or change to that of, Music Coordinator [Contractor], Music Director, Music Supervisor, Primary Conductor or person holding another supervisory position during their term of office, their office shall automatically be declared vacant (See Article III. section B). No person shall hold more than one office. 

2. Time of Election / Term of Office: Every election for all offices shall be held at the midway point of the Pamphlet B/SET CBA between the AFM and The Broadway League [For example; 18 months after a three year CBA takes effect or two years after a four year CBA takes effect]. 

3. Voter Eligibility: All Touring Theatre Committee delegates and alternate delegates may vote in this election. 

4. Nominations: Nominations may only be made by Touring Theatre Committee delegates. There shall be no restriction on the number of nominations for each office. Nominations shall remain open for one week and may be made by email or telephone to the AFM Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services, who will subsequently contact the nominees to find out if they accept the nomination. In the event there are only two nominees for Chairperson at the close of nominations, and both nominees agree who shall be Chairperson and who shall be Vice-Chairperson, an election for those offices shall not be necessary, and said nominees shall be deemed elected to the office of choice. Similarly, in the event there are only two nominees for Secretary at the close of nominations, and both nominees agree to split the position, an election for that office shall not be necessary, and said nominees shall be deemed elected as Co-Secretaries. In the event there is only one nominee for Secretary, Treasurer and/or Technology Officer, an election for that office shall not be necessary, and said nominee shall be declared elected by acclamation. If however there are more than two nominees for Chairperson or Secretary respectively or such an agreement between the two nominees for Chairperson or Secretary respectively is not forthcoming or there is more than one nominee for Treasurer or Technology Officer then the election shall begin at the first regularly scheduled Touring Theatre Committee meeting after the close of nominations. A quorum shall not be required for nominations.

5. Balloting: Voting shall be by secret ballot. The ballot shall clearly list all nominees for each office (Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and/or Technology Officer) to be voted on. Each Touring Theatre Committee delegate may cast only one vote per office and each mark shall only count as one vote. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide on the method of electronic voting and on which AFM recommended platform the electronic ballot box shall be employed. Any electronic voting process must use an AFM recommended vendor. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide what the hours of voting are. The voting calendar window shall remain open for a period of at least one week. At the close of voting, the ballots shall be counted (or approved if electronic) by at least three non-candidate delegates of the Touring Theatre Committee and the candidates may be present if they so desire. The nominee who receives the highest number of votes for each office shall be deemed elected to that office. The nominee who receives the second highest number of votes for Chairperson shall be the Vice-Chairperson. In the case of a tie for any office, a runoff election shall be held for that office. The results, including the vote count, shall be emailed to all delegates once the results are known and be announced at the first Touring Theatre Committee meeting after the ballot box has been closed. 

B. If for any reason any office(s) become(s) vacant, the vacant office(s) shall be filled by election as defined in Article III. section A, 1-5 above as soon thereafter as feasible. In the absence of candidates, the Chairperson may appoint a delegate to be Secretary, Treasurer and/or Technology Officer to be approved by the Touring Theatre Committee. 

C. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings following as closely as possible the parliamentary procedure set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair, those delegates present shall decide who shall chair the meeting. 

D. The Chairperson may appoint subcommittees to assist in bringing pertinent matters before the Touring Theatre Committee or to represent the Theatre Committee before the International Executive Board (IEB). 

E. The Secretary/Secretaries shall assist the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson with operational duties of the Touring Theatre Committee including but not limited to compiling and maintaining meeting minutes, maintaining/organizing committee attendance records, and sending communications from the Touring Theatre Committee to AFM Officers or to Touring Theatre Committee delegates. 

F. The Chairperson may at their discretion appoint a Touring Theatre Committee delegate or the AFM Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services to record minutes of a given meeting if a Secretary is not in attendance. Under those circumstances, at the next meeting, said minutes must be read, amended as necessary and approved. However, any delegate has the right to review minutes of any previous meeting. 

G. The Treasurer shall oversee committee bank/financial accounts, funds, and assets. The Treasurer shall maintain records of funds, assets, and account activity, provide information for committee accounts when needed, secure login credentials/passwords for financial accounts, oversee any needed fundraising efforts for the committee and comply with all IRS requirements. ( annual-electronic-filing-requirement-for-small-exempt-organizations-form-990-n-e-postcard) Although the role of Treasurer is not currently applicable, it might be needed if or when the TTC pursues 501(c)3 status or decides to establish a “Live Touring Orchestra Preservation Fund” (LTOPF) that mirrors the Broadway Theatre Committee’s BTOPF.

H. The Technology Officer shall manage technology used in meetings and assist with the Touring Theatre Musicians website. 

I. When votes of the Touring Theatre Committee are taken, the Chair or acting Chair shall vote only to break a tie. The Chair or acting Chair may participate in the nomination processes and may vote in elections. 


A. Meetings shall take place on a regular basis, preferably on alternate Fridays at 1 pm Eastern / 12 pm Central / 11 am Mountain / 10 am Pacific Time Zones. Meetings shall be held virtually. 

B. Any member of the Touring Theatre Community who  worked under the Pamphlet B/SET Agreement during the current contract term or who voted in the most recent Pamphlet B/SET CBA ratification, and all former Chairpersons of the Touring Theatre Committee may attend meetings of the Touring Theatre Committee, considering the exceptions defined in the following Article IV. section C. 

C. Persons currently employed as Designated Broadway ’In-House’ Contractors, Music Coordinators [Contractors], non-traveling Music Directors,, Music Supervisors, Primary Conductors or persons currently holding other supervisory positions for Touring shows, Broadway shows, Tony-eligible productions, or Local Theatre employers, and employees and titled officers of the AFM and all AFM Locals may not attend meetings of the Touring Theatre Committee except by invitation, or by request, approved by the Touring Theatre Committee, to discuss specific issues (See Appendices A and B). Such a meeting that includes one of the above-listed supervisors shall be announced and considered voluntary for delegate attendance. Members of the Touring Theatre Community working as Music Directors and Associate or Assistant Conductors may attend per Section II.E. - II.F. guidelines. 

D. Any delegate to the Touring Theatre Committee may request by motion that all or part of a meeting be held in executive session, restricting attendance to only Touring Theatre Committee delegates. The Chairperson or acting Chair may at any time declare an executive session, immediately restricting attendance to only Touring Theatre Committee delegates. Alternate delegates may attend executive sessions. Voting eligibility during executive sessions shall be the same as that of regular Touring Theatre Committee meetings as defined in Article II, sections B and C and Article III section I. 

E. The delegates to the Touring Theatre Committee shall be notified by telephone and/or e-mail/electronic messaging in advance of any meeting. 

F. Voting may only take place at a meeting when there is a quorum present at the time of the vote. The quorum for voting shall be 9 delegates including those Touring Theatre Committee officers present. Motions shall pass by a majority of the votes cast. 

G. The Committee shall endeavor to hold a special annual meeting where attendance is open to all members of the Touring Theatre Community as defined in Article I. and those listed in Article IV. Section C. above. 

H. This document may be amended only by a vote of the Touring Theatre Committee delegates. Amendment proposals shall pass with a two thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast. The total number of votes cast must be equal to at least fifty percent (50%) of the Touring Theatre Committee delegates. Voting eligibility on amendment proposals shall be in accordance with Article II sections B,C and D. 

1. Only Touring Theatre Committee delegates may propose amendments to this document. 

2. Amendment proposals must be submitted to the Chairperson in writing and signed by the proponent(s).

3. All Touring Theatre Committee delegates must be notified and to the extent possible, receive a copy of the amendment proposal(s) at least seven days in advance of the meeting at which the amendment proposal(s) will be considered. Such notification shall be in accordance with Article IV section E of this document. 

4. Amendment proposal(s) shall be voted on at or after the first meeting at which a quorum is present, after the notification requirements in subsection 3 above have been met and the amendment proposal presentation and discussion have been completed.

5. At the above referenced meeting, the Touring Theatre Committee shall decide whether the voting shall be by an electronic voting process, an up-or-down (hand raise) vote or any combination thereof. Any electronic voting process must use an AFM recommended vendor. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide on which AFM recommended platform the electronic ballot box (if employed) shall be located. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide what the hours of voting are unless the vote is an up-or-down (hand raise) vote only. The voting calendar window shall remain open for a period determined by the Committee, unless the vote is an up-or down (hand raise) vote only. At the close of voting, the ballots shall be counted (or approved if electronic) by at least three non-amendment-proponent delegates of the Touring Theatre Committee and the amendment proponent(s) may be present if they so desire. The results, including the vote count, shall be emailed to all delegates once the results are known and be announced at the first Touring Theatre Committee meeting after the ballot box has been closed. 

6. Adopted amendment proposals shall become effective immediately. 


The Touring Theatre Committee may communicate to the Touring Theatre Community via newsletter, e-mail or other written communication. The Touring Theatre Committee shall publish and distribute a newsletter to the Touring Theatre Community at least twice each year. The Touring Theatre Committee must approve the content and method of distribution of all its communications to the Touring Theatre Community. The Chairperson or acting Chair may dictate that select communications may not be shared with, Music Coordinators [Contractors], Music Directors, Music Supervisors, Primary Conductors and/or persons holding other supervisory positions. 


A. The Touring Theatre Committee shall elect a “Virtual” Pamphlet B/SET Negotiating Subcommittee to assist the AFM International President in contract negotiations approximately six months prior to the expiration of the current CBA between the AFM and the Broadway League. The Federation President shall make every best effort to ensure that hybrid/virtual negotiating meetings are held with the Broadway League so that the virtual TTC Negotiating Subcommittee may attend. 

B. The Pamphlet B/SET TTC Negotiating Subcommittee shall comprise an odd number of elected Touring Theatre Committee delegates; no fewer than five and no more than nine, plus one to three alternates. The subcommittee must also include Delegate and/or Non-Delegate President Appointed Road Player Reps (one Full Pamphlet B Rep and one Short Engagement Tour Rep), but may not exceed more than two appointed representatives. Negotiating Subcommittee members, alternates, and up to two Appointed Road Player Reps shall be expected to be present at all virtual/hybrid negotiating meeting and sessions and at all virtual/hybrid meetings of the AFM Pamphlet B/SET Negotiating Team. 

C. The nomination process for the TTC Negotiating Subcommittee shall begin at a regularly scheduled Touring Theatre Committee meeting. Only Touring Theatre Committee delegates may be nominated to serve on the TTC Negotiating Subcommittee. Nominations may only be made by Touring Theatre Committee delegates. There shall be no restriction on the number of nominations. Nominations shall remain open for at least one week and may be made by email, telephone, or in person to the AFM Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services who will subsequently contact the nominees to find out if they accept the nomination. 

D. The election of the TTC Negotiating Subcommittee shall commence at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Touring Theatre Committee. A quorum shall not be required for this purpose. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide on an electronic voting process. Any electronic voting process must use an AFM recommended vendor. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide on which platform the electronic ballot box (if employed) shall be located. The Touring Theatre Committee shall decide what the hours of voting are. The voting calendar window shall remain open for a period of at least one week. At the close of voting, the ballots shall be counted (or approved if electronic) by at least three non-candidate delegates of the Touring Theatre Committee and the candidates may be present if they so desire. The results, including the vote count, shall be emailed to all delegates once the results are known and be announced at the first Touring Theatre Committee meeting after the electronic ballot box has been closed. 

E The TTC Negotiating Subcommittee shall elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson prior to the commencement of negotiations. Negotiating Subcommittee alternates shall be permitted to vote in this election. The nomination process for Chair and Vice-Chair shall begin at a meeting of the Negotiating Committee. Nominations shall remain open for at least one week during which time the AFM Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services shall contact absentee and undecided nominees for confirmation of acceptance. The AFM Director of Touring Theatre & Immigration Services shall update the members of the Negotiating Committee as to changes in the status of the nominee list as they occur. In the event of a withdrawal of a nominee after the close of nominations, the nominations may be reopened. The election of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall take place by secret ballot at a Negotiating Subcommittee meeting following the close of nominations. The nominee who receives the highest number of votes shall be the Chairperson. The nominee who receives the second highest number of votes shall be the Vice Chairperson. 

F. The TTC Negotiating Subcommittee shall initiate a process of strategic planning for the upcoming negotiations and shall also participate in negotiation training conducted and/or supervised by the legal counsel for the AFM. 


Federation President appointments to AFM Negotiating Team for Pamphlet B/SET Agreement shall be equally weighted between representatives of the TTC Negotiating Subcommittee and Local representatives.


Subcommittees of the Touring Theatre Committee, either elected or appointed, shall decide at their first meeting whether to be a Chairless committee, elect Chairs according to the above process (Article VI. F.), or expedite the election of Chairs in a process of their own choosing by majority vote. 


If any provision of this document is inconsistent with the Constitution and/or Bylaws of the Bylaws of AFM, the Bylaws of AFM shall prevail (See Appendices A and B). 



A. Bylaws of the American Federation of Musicians 

Revised September 15, 2019 


“SECTION 1 (a). Locals shall be required to adopt as part of their Local Constitution and Bylaws a provision to the effect that the Local Constitution and Bylaws shall be subject and subordinate to the AFM Bylaws and amendments and providing further that wherever conflict or discrepancy appears between the Local Constitution and Bylaws and the AFM Bylaws and amendments, the latter shall prevail.” 

“SECTION 39. Members of a Local who are contractors, personnel managers, or who perform other supervisory duties for an employer with whom the Local has a CBA shall not be eligible to serve on the negotiation and/or grievance- arbitration committee. In addition, they shall not be permitted to participate in any membership meeting or portion of a meeting in which collective bargaining negotiations or contract administration issues are discussed notwithstanding the fact that they may also perform musical services for the employer and may be a member of the affected bargaining unit. However, the members shall be permitted to participate in any contract ratification vote, as long as they are otherwise eligible.”

“SECTION 42. A Local shall exclude an AFM member from participating in the creation, amendment, negotiation, or enforcement of Local CBAs or Local scales if the member is an employer who is affected by the Local CBA or scales under consideration or is employed as a supervisor by an employer who is affected by the Local CBA or Local scales under consideration. The AFM shall have the responsibility of enforcing this provision as it relates to the creation, amendment, negotiation, or enforcement of AFM CBAs or AFM scales. The IEB shall develop and maintain policies and guidelines to implement this provision.” 

B. Constitution and Bylaws of the Associated Musicians of Greater New York
Revised October 23, 2019 


“Section 5. Duties of the Executive Board. 

(p) The Executive Board shall grant permission for the formation of a rank-and-file orchestra committee upon request of any member employed on any engagement. Such rank-and-file orchestra committee shall serve as the liaison between the rank-and-file employees and the Leader (Personnel Manager) and/ or the Local. For the purpose of this paragraph, the term "rank-and-file" shall be construed to include all members other than full time officers or employees of the Local.“ 


“Section 6. Wherever the provisions of these Bylaws are inconsistent with the Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Resolutions, Rules, Regulations or Orders of the American Federation of Musicians, the latter shall be deemed to supersede those provisions herein as are inconsistent therewith, unless the International Executive Board of the American Federation of Musicians has granted to this Local special dispensation in each such case.” 

C. Bylaws of the American Federation of Musicians 

Revised September 15, 2019 


“Section 1. … • Treating each other with respect and dignity without regard to ethnicity, creed, sex, age, disability, citizenship, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or national origin;“ 



Tueday, Aug.1st - Thank you to everyone who voted in the Adoption Ratification Poll. We are so please to announce that the Proposed TTC Bylaws have been ratified by the Pamphlet B/SET bargaining unit. In total, 24 out of 29 shows from the 2021 - 2023 seasons (post-Covid relaunch) were represented in the poll and a total of 85 Pamphlet B/SET workers voted. In total, the poll received 84 votes to approve and one vote for conditional approval of the proposed TTC Bylaws. Thank you, all, for your participation. We can now move on to the next step: TTC officer nominations!

August 01 , 2023

Update - July 21, 2023: Vote now to approve the adoption of the proposed TTC Bylaws. See your Tour Steward and/or alternate TTC delegate for the link to register your vote! Voting will remain open until Friday, July 28, 2023.

July 21 , 2023

UPDATE: Thank you to all the AFM Stewards & Touring Theatre Musicians who attended the May 19 Virtual Pamphlet B/SET Bargaining Unit Meeting! In total, we had 55 participants (52 Attendees + 3 Co-Hosts).

Please take the discussion about representation back to your Touring Bands, and share information with all of your musical colleagues in the Touring Theatre Community. Let's show AFM Leadership that Travelers want organized representation that advocates specifically on behalf the Pamphlet B/SET Bargaining Unit.

Let's organize elected representation for Travelers, by Travelers, now!

May 20 , 2023

UPDATE: Meeting for Pamphlet B/SET Musicians @ 1p EST on Friday, May 19th!

May 18 , 2023
Sign Petition Create Campaign
Started May 02 , 2023
Supporters 193
Interested 4,575
Category Politics
Days Left 571 days
Origin New York City & Beyond, United States
Sign Petition

Why You Should Care

Since January 2023, the AFM Pamphlet B/SET workers (Touring Theatre Musicians) have been without an organizing director. The 6-month period leading up to contract negotiation is crucial. Touring musicians must organize themselves now if they want to have a collective voice and elected representation in their August 2023 contract negotiations.


Touring Musicians Lack Representation

No elected body has ever existed to represent the interests of AFM Pamphlet B/SET workers (Touring Theatre Musicians or "Travelers"). The specific concerns of travelers and touring ("Road Life") have been historically under-represented.

For example, the 2016 Pamphlet B/SET Negotiating Team included: AFM International President, AFM International Vice President, 2 AFM International Officers, 5 Local Officers (Boston, St. Louis, Detroit, San Francisco, Chicago), AFM Counsel, AFM Director of Touring Theatre, AFM Touring Contract Administrator, 2 Theatre Musicians Association (TMA) Representatives, and 2 Appointed Road Player Reps.
Changing Channels: from Pamphlet B to SRLA, Network Television | International Musician

Local representatives vastly outnumber Touring Musicians at the negotiations for their own contract, and none of the touring reps are elected by their own bargaining unit.

It is time for AFM Pamphlet B/SET workers to organize and speak with a collective voice.

The ultimate goal of this proposal is the establishment of a Touring Theatre Committee (TTC) constructed of elected representation (Steward Delegates) with the authorization to speak on the behalf of Pamphlet B/SET workers at AFM Conventions, Pamphlet B/SET Negotiations, and any AFM affiliated meetings at which Pamphlet B/SET workers may benefit from representation.

Once TTC elected representation has been recognized by the AFM President, the formation of collaborative committees such as Joint Traveler-Local Commmittees may be recommended for the improvement of working conditions for all Theater Musicians.

If you support AFM Touring Musicians' right to organize, please sign this petition now!

To give touring musicians a voice and representation.

B Hayden Oliver, New York, United States

September 19 , 2023

I agree that all Pamphlet B musicians deserve to have their own player's committees.

James Moffitt, Honolulu, United States

June 24 , 2023

As a former officer of a Local, I understand the importance of, and I wholeheartedly support groups of musicians having players' committees.

Brien Matson, Fall River, MA, United States

June 22 , 2023

As a professional freelance musician I've spent years on the road. All musicians deserve to have their wages protected..

TRACEY WHITNEY, Albuquerque, United States

June 22 , 2023

All musicians deserve to have their voices heard!

Aaron Korn, New York, United States

June 22 , 2023

As a union officer, I support any moves to give musicians more of a voice in the decisions and actions that affect their lives and livlihood.

Charles Reskin, Pembroke Pines, United States

June 22 , 2023

open up the world to all people!

Dorian Parreott, Freehold, United States

June 22 , 2023

Fair terms for artists

Henry Luo, New York, United States

June 21 , 2023

As a career touring musician, it is vitally important to me to have representation at the negotiating table.

Faith Seetoo, Seattle, United States

June 10 , 2023

This kind of update in representation is needed.

Kane Mathis, Floral Park, United States

June 09 , 2023

On May 2, I created this petition to rally support for AFM Touring Theatre Musicians. Reading the comments posted here by musicians and our allies over the past month, I feel overwhelmed. Touring musicians rallied in favor of creating a space where we can build a community, support each other, and elect representation for Travelers, by Travelers. Your signatures have started our journey! Today, I'm signing the petition as Frozen's Steward and I'm excited to move on to the next steps. Thank you!

Julie Ferrara, New York, United States

June 09 , 2023

Representation is very important to me as a traveling Broadway musician.

Kells Nollenberger , Brooklyn , United States

June 06 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve proper representation in negotiations.

Brandon Moodie, NYC, United States

June 04 , 2023

I stand with my union brothers, sisters, and kin.

Matty Myers, Dallas, United States

June 04 , 2023

Touring folk deserve to have a voice in matters that affect them.

Tory Sheppard, Fort Collins, United States

June 04 , 2023

Support our musicians!

Jessica McGinty, Union City , United States

June 04 , 2023


Jamie Kurtz, Albuquerque, United States

June 04 , 2023

supporting our touring musicians

Jamie Brown, MONROVIA, United States

June 04 , 2023

I’m on the ATP tour and have experienced many areas for contract improvement.

Carl Burnett, Nyack, United States

June 03 , 2023

I will always support better conditions for touring musicians

Taurus Lovely, Royal Palm Beach , United States

June 03 , 2023

On behalf of the Hadestown band

Michiko Egger, Brooklyn, United States

June 03 , 2023

It's a long road . . .

Jonathan Smith, NEW YORK, United States

June 03 , 2023

The voices of people who are actually out there doing it today need to be a bigger part of this conversation.

Zack Albetta, Atlanta, United States

June 03 , 2023

Ain't Too Proud tour es justo y necessario

Leo Smith, York PA, United States

June 03 , 2023

Our touring MT Musicians are the guts of our beloved musical theatre genre and they need to have the structure to fight for their unique experience out here!

John Hemphill, Columbia, United States

June 02 , 2023


Stacy Taylor, Kenton, United States

June 02 , 2023

We need representation for musicians on the road

Nicholas Ujhazy, New York, United States

June 02 , 2023


Anthony Norman, New York , United States

June 02 , 2023

To support and improve the living and working conditions for musicians on the road short and long term

Philip Varricchio , New York , United States

June 02 , 2023

I stand in solidarity with my touring colleagues.

Angela Jamieson, BEACH LAKE, United States

June 02 , 2023

We need representation

Magalí Toy, Dallas, United States

June 02 , 2023

As a touring musician on a high-grossing show, which also meant highly demanding in terms of skill and quality consistency, it was disheartening to realize that the musicians on a Broadway musical were undervalued and underpaid in severely egregious ways. It became all too clear that effective change was not aggressively being sought out by those in leadership positions. Touring with that realization, along with demanding schedules, securing housing that exceeded per diems, extensive consecutive lay-offs when the tour performed at Rule 24 venues which put our healthcare contributions in jeopardy, all while protecting ourselves from CoVid-19 brought on overall health and wellness issues that could have been avoided.

Tahirah Whittington, Chicago, United States

June 01 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve to have their concerns raised and voices heard!

Matthew Croft, Omaha, United States

June 01 , 2023

Support and solidarity

Garret Healey, New York, NY, United States

June 01 , 2023

Musicians on Broadway show tours do the exact same job that their NYC/Broadway peers do - same show, same book, same artistic standards and demands. However, they are typically paid far less, all the while living out of a suitcase, rarely getting home to their lives and family, and spending most of their few days off traveling to another city. Touring musicians should earn at least Broadway scale, and arguably much more since it's a much harder job. Musicians also bring the most training and experience to the theatre of any department. Pamphlet B wages have fallen so far behind the rate of inflation and cost of living, and touring musicians deserve a SIGNIFICANT wage increase among other concerns.

Steve Holloway, Brooklyn, United States

June 01 , 2023

Current touring musicians are bringing their concerns to a leadership that is unaware of the challenges of touring. Touring musicians need a body of leadership that does understand the challenges of touring.

Randall Carey Deadman Jr. , Elmhurst, United States

June 01 , 2023

In solidarity.

Addie Morales, Arlington, United States

June 01 , 2023

I was a touring band member and this is so important

Sarah Haines, New York, United States

June 01 , 2023

Give touring musicians a seat at the table.

Paige Durr, Colleyville, United States

June 01 , 2023

The contingent of musicians making their living on the road is large enough that they should be represented adequately in negotiations.

Leslie Wickham, New York, United States

June 01 , 2023

It is about time we derserve a space to verbalize our concerns and needs as “full-time” touring musicians.

Nayib Gonzalez, Caguas, Puerto Rico

June 01 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve a platform and a voice that will advocate for their specific needs and situation on the road.

Brandon Ilaw, New York, United States

June 01 , 2023

I have been touring in Broadway show myself for years now and I believe that it is of the utmost importance that this particular job have the ability to unit e and represent itself as in the AFM.

Kiana Howley, Ann Arbor , United States

June 01 , 2023

Increased musicians rights on the road

Martin howley , Ann Arbor , United States

June 01 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve a formally organized and recognized body for representation, just as their Broadway counterparts have.

Austin Burket, New York, United States

June 01 , 2023

This is necessary

Nikisha Williams, New Jersey , United States

June 01 , 2023

People need a voice at the table that directly represents them. Rule 24 is ridiculous and would not have come into existence if there were touring musicians at the table to explain how silly it is to employ local union musicians by putting touring union musicians out of work and sending them home, thereby creating other local union musicians with no work!

Rayn Jacks, Portland, United States

June 01 , 2023

There must be fair representation from people who understand the needs of touring musicians. A very unique catagory in our AFM.

DeAnn Letourneau, Las Vegas, United States

June 01 , 2023

advocate for traveler-specific issues (especially ahead of the Pamphlet B/SET contract negotiations this fall.

Samuel Thompson, Baltimore, United States

June 01 , 2023


Michael Uselmann, New York , United States

May 31 , 2023

Musicians voices need to be heard!

Ufuk Erem, Istanbul, Turkey

May 31 , 2023

To support traveling musicians in their goal of creating a Touring Theatre Commission.

Evelyn Estava, Bound Brook, NJ, United States

May 31 , 2023

Because touring musicians deserve to have representation.

Taeko McCarroll, Carson City, United States

May 31 , 2023

It is essential for touring musicians to have input in the Pamphlet B/SET contract negotiations.

Eric Ebbenga, New York , United States

May 31 , 2023

Representation matters

Eddie Ortega, New York, United States

May 31 , 2023


NEIL HASKELL, New York, United States

May 31 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve representation and a voice at the negotiation table.

Phillip Brian Eads, Nashville, United States

May 31 , 2023

Touring as a pit musician is unlike other theatre musician jobs and unlike any other touring job. We deserve representation separate from these other groups.

Lena Gabrielle, New York , United States

May 31 , 2023

I am a violist on the Jagged Little Pill tour. I believe our tour contracts need to be updated to keep pace with increasing inflation and changing economic conditions.

Carolina Diaz Chan, New York City, United States

May 30 , 2023

I am a touring musician on a SETA contract tour. I believe it is time to negotiate new contracts since the last time it was changed was 2016.

Calvin Chan, New York City, United States

May 30 , 2023


Niles Luther, New york, United States

May 30 , 2023

The one’s it directly impacts should have a voice.

Jarvis Benson , New York, United States

May 30 , 2023

Give our touring musicians a voice!

Jessica Balun, Yonkers, United States

May 27 , 2023

me for AFM Pamphlet B/SET workers to organize and speak with a collective voice.

George Crotty, NEW YORK, United States

May 27 , 2023

we need representation. plain and simple

Christopher Agar, New York City, United States

May 27 , 2023

I’ve been a touring Broadway/Musical Theater musician for 10 years. I stand with my touring colleagues and fellow touring musicians.

Oscar Bautista, New York, United States

May 27 , 2023

Touring representation is essential!

Amanda Levens, Minneapolis, United States

May 27 , 2023

Union strong

Darren Lucas, New york, United States

May 26 , 2023

Musicians deserve a VOICE!

Carolyn Doyle, San Francisco, United States

May 26 , 2023

I’m an AFM member and musician in the theater scene.

Ronnie Malley, Chicago , United States

May 26 , 2023

As a touring musician, we need representation

Joshua Norton, Clarksville, United States

May 26 , 2023

I firmly believe that touring musicians should have a seat at the table for negotiations on items that pertain directly to their life on the road. Most especially with regards to the outdated and poorly managed Rule 24. People with little to no tour experience (or no recent experience) should not be making choices in a vacuum for those that are out now. Give road folks a voice and a vote.

Toni Ostini, Sunnyside, United States

May 26 , 2023

We need fair negotiations and fair representation so that we can get the pay and benefits we deserve for aiding the success of these multi-million dollar touring theater productions

Nikki Shorts, Los Angeles, United States

May 26 , 2023

Better representation for road musicians BY road musicians

Derek Stoltenberg, New York, United States

May 26 , 2023

Folks actively on the road deserve a seat at the table

Adrian Ries, New York, United States

May 26 , 2023

As an actor having toured with a number of union musicians, it is concerning the lack of support they have regarding coverage, time off, consistent employment and more. Particularly as compared to the other unions represented on tour. Touring musicians deserve to have representation when decisions are being made on their behalf. The jobs they are asked to do are entirely different than their Broadway and sit-down theater colleagues. A committee addressing these differences and needs is long overdue.

Kimberly Marable, New York, United States

May 26 , 2023

We need to amend and justly augment the AFM pamphlet where necessary to reflect the position of the constituency. And all feel it has value and best fits the ideals of touring musicians

Dwayne Beach , Brooklyn, NY , United States

May 26 , 2023

Touring musicians need strong representation in negotiations who understand the issues we face on a daily basis.

Phil Martin, Chicago , United States

May 26 , 2023

I'm a touring musician and I feel like we need a seat at the table when it comes to negotiating contracts

Alejandro Farha, Miami, United States

May 25 , 2023

Better representation

Christian Regul, Los Angeles, United States

May 25 , 2023


Robert Tye, Birmingham, United States

May 25 , 2023

I’m a musician who has toured a lot. Member of local 802.

Robert Cookman, New York City, United States

May 25 , 2023

To support touring musicians

Gabriel Wareing, Brooklyn, United States

May 25 , 2023

AFM Touring works a national contract that passes through virtually every jurisdiction in the country. It is important and a great idea for touring musicians to organize

Michael Aarons, New York, United States

May 25 , 2023

Former touring musician.

William Congdon, Charlotte, United States

May 25 , 2023

Voices needed

Joshua Priest, New York, United States

May 25 , 2023

Solidarity! Representation!

Richard Barth, Loveland, United States

May 25 , 2023

Touring musicians make up a large number of Union members and need their voices heard!

Thomas E. Carley, New York, United States

May 25 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve a dedicated group of people to discuss and deliver clear working conditions and agreements with, and in general, contracts that are parallel to the living conditions necessary in 2023.

Ryan Lepage, Rollinsford, United States

May 25 , 2023

As a touring musician, I’ve learned that it is extremely important that we have a voice/representation during negotiations. This is a step in the right direction.

Janetta S Goines, Chicago, United States

May 25 , 2023

Been out here on a 2-year run, almost finished. Would love to see things be a little better for the next one!

John Doing, San Francisco, United States

May 25 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve better contracts

Maxwell Caine, Mamaroneck , United States

May 25 , 2023

Forming a committee of touring musicians absolutely makes sense, especially in terms of communication between tours and communication with AFM leadership.

Katie Holmes , Birmingham, United States

May 25 , 2023

Touring musicians unite!

Timothy Riley, Ft Myers Beach, United States

May 24 , 2023

We need this!

Karl Shymanovitz, Detroit, United States

May 24 , 2023

We need help

Michael Faue, Omaha, United States

May 24 , 2023

As a touring musician I would like a say on decisions being made.

David Matos, New York, United States

May 24 , 2023

I want the best possible working conditions for touring musicians.

Cathy Venable, Tulsa, United States

May 24 , 2023

Touring Musician

Chris E Jago, Woodland Hills, United States

May 24 , 2023

All members of the touring community need to stand together to improve working conditions for everyone on the road.

Jovon E. Shuck, Paw Paw, United States

May 23 , 2023

I stand in solidarity with my orchestra members!!!

Christopher Robin Sapp, Brooklyn, United States

May 23 , 2023

Touring musicians are under represented whereas they currently have no say in who is speaking for them during contract negotiations. It’s about time this changed so their voices could be listened to.

Peter Scuderi, New York, United States

May 22 , 2023


Heather Englander, New York City, United States

May 21 , 2023

Former musician on SETA tour

Jared Shaw, New York , United States

May 21 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve representation!

Jenna Mee Dosch, Connecticut, United States

May 21 , 2023


Sarah Quinn Taylor, Boalsburg, United States

May 21 , 2023


Anthony Norman, New York, United States

May 21 , 2023

Touring is a difficult and unique area of work within each job category that does this work. Touring musicians need dedicated representation within their own union. There is room enough to protect and advance their needs without sacrificing local benefits. Not to put too fine a point on it, but (paraphrasing a little) obligation without representation has historically been a major sore spot for people in this country and cannot continue for our incredible touring musician colleagues.

Ben Shipley, NYC/LA, United States

May 21 , 2023

As a touring musician, I think it's imperative that we have an elected representative.

Luke Flood, Boston, United States

May 21 , 2023

Life in the road is different post shutdown. Members need to have a say in what contacts they work.

Ronnie L. Campbell, Tampa, United States

May 21 , 2023

I love and respect our musicians on tour.

Antonio Rodriguez, New York, United States

May 21 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve better representation.

Daniel Robert Sullivan, Bronx, NY, United States

May 21 , 2023

Hadestown tour musicians have nobody if they are sick or injured. They frequently come and do the show out of obligation. We need to help support our musicians.

Annelise Castleberry, Denver, United States

May 21 , 2023

Current actor on a tour.

Benjamin Moore, New York, United States

May 20 , 2023

Our touring musicians deserve this!

Randy Michael Jeter, Lancaster, United States

May 20 , 2023

It’s the right thing to do! Touring musicians need separation direct representation

Ashley Mortensen, New York, United States

May 20 , 2023

As a touring actor I have seen how rule 24 has negatively effected our touring musicians. We need them represented in their own union so they can protect work for them as they are on the road!

Steve Czarnecki, New york, United States

May 20 , 2023

I don't agree with the concept of laying off Union touring musicians in Rule-24 cities to give work to other Union musicians. It is unfair to the touring musicians, the entire touring company and the audiences that don't get the BEST show because there are new musicians in the pit.

Elle Aghabala, Los Angeles, United States

May 20 , 2023

Touring musicians need a coordinated organization to consider and address needs that are specific to their type of work and craft, composed of members that are chosen to represent them by said members. Our touring musicians deserve representation that solely focuses on the needs of TRAVELING artists. Thank you to the organizers of this coalition!!

Megan Kraft, I tour, N/A, United States

May 20 , 2023

The musicians in tour need representation

Stephen Riegel, Nashville, United States

May 20 , 2023

I’m a touring musician on Les mis

Todd Gustafson , NYC, United States

May 20 , 2023

I’m a touring musician with Les Miserables. Touring musicians need to be represented in contract negotiations that affect us.

Timothy Lenihan, Chicago, United States

May 20 , 2023

Everyone should have representation. Voices should be heard.

David Summey , Raleigh , United States

May 20 , 2023

Solidarity for union members!

John Stinson, Loris, United States

May 20 , 2023

Musicians anchor the whole show!

Ajax Maharlika, Los Angeles, United States

May 20 , 2023

Touring musicians have unique needs and concerns that need to be specifically addressed, and we need representation by people with contemporary experience.

Mike Frederick, PNW, United States

May 20 , 2023

Our musicians deserve more equitable conditions that support them FULLY. They are an essential and crucial part of every performance, and rightfully deserve a contract that reflects that.

Christine Heesun Hwang, Seattle, United States

May 20 , 2023

Solidarity with All Workers!

Paul Arebalo, Fort Worth, United States

May 20 , 2023

Touring musicians need advocates.

Christopher Atencio, San Antonio, United States

May 20 , 2023

We need an organized touring voice from our hard working touring musicians. who bring live theatre to cities across the country.

Jack McLeod, New Yok, United States

May 20 , 2023

Traveling musicians make up a huge portion of the AFM musicians working in the theatre industry! They need to be fairly represented at the bargaining table.

Kyle Timson, Blue Ash, United States

May 20 , 2023

Traveling musicians deserve to be represented in a reliable, consistent, and meaningful way.

Ben Cherington , Brooklyn, NY , United States

May 20 , 2023

Commercial theatre musicians on tour face different circumstances from those of local players and musicians in other disciplines. Accordingly, theatre musicians should have their own formal representation in contract negotiations.

Dean Balan, Las Vegas, United States

May 20 , 2023

The touring contracts HAS to change.

Evan Rees, New York, United States

May 20 , 2023

To expect touring musicians to operate under the same contract rates and parameters that their broadway counterparts do has done and continues to do a HUGE disservice to those of us on the road. We need representation that understands exactly what being a musician on the road means in order to ensure that everyone on the road is being properly taken care of in every aspect. The need for this has become grossly apparent in this new post-Covid landscape but the cracks were already starting to show well before the shutdown. It’s time for a big change. Touring musician’s livelihoods literally depend on it.

Daniel Klintworth, Columbia, United States

May 19 , 2023

As a touring musician, I feel we need proper representation.

Danielle Hutchison, Springfield, United States

May 19 , 2023

Travelers need a voice!

Josh Tatsuo Cullen, San Diego, United States

May 19 , 2023

The traveling musicians deserve to have their voices heard. We are often neglected and left out of important discussions pertaining to our own livelihoods, and we deserve to have our concerns voiced and heard when those in positions of power are enacting anything that affects our work and lives on the road.

Tom Jorgensen, Brooklyn, United States

May 19 , 2023

Touring musicians have different requirements. Rule 24 is a 31 year old settlement that is outdated and needs to be removed. Don’t take work away from union musicians!

Ryan Walsh, Pittsburgh, United States

May 19 , 2023

I am standing in solidarity with other traveling musicians to say that we need a voice in form of elected representation in the AFM leadership.

Anson Carroll, Holly Springs, NC, United States

May 19 , 2023

As a touring musician, I feel it necessary to have a voice and be heard to our needs

Joshua Norton, Clarksville, United States

May 19 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve a seat at the table!

Harry Hassell, Greensboro, United States

May 19 , 2023

I’m supporting a stronger voice for all touring musicians.

Russ Nyberg, New York , United States

May 19 , 2023

Current touring musician

Schuyler Thornton, New York, United States

May 19 , 2023

We need a voice in the negotiation.

Stephen Flakus, New York, United States

May 19 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve a unified voice

Kelsi Fulton, Nashville, United States

May 19 , 2023

Support for the representation of touring musicians in the AFM committee, to have a voice, have a vote, lend our own voices, and organize together.

Sage West, Las Vegas, NV, United States

May 19 , 2023

A way to ease the job of our stewards and keep communication open.

Darlene Drew, Chicago, United States

May 19 , 2023

To improve the working conditions of all musicians on the road. We deserve to be treated as valued members of touring productions and our working conditions should reflect that.

Caroline Moore, New York, United States

May 19 , 2023

We need help!

Liz Faure, Nyc, United States

May 19 , 2023

Traveling musicians should have a voice.

Bradley Lovelace, Phoenix, United States

May 19 , 2023

They should have a voice at the table

Kynan Johns , Ridgefield Park, United States

May 19 , 2023

This committee fills a void of representation. Active travelers understand the current needs of the touring musician community. This provides a conduit for communication that unites working musicians and strengthens our union.

Craig Watson, Nashville, United States

May 19 , 2023

The collective voices of AFM touring musicians need to be heard!

Crissy Martinez, Fresno, CA, United States

May 19 , 2023

I am a touring musician and we have no elected representation for us. It is time that changed.

Alexandra R Jenkins, New York, United States

May 19 , 2023

Because we need a voice!

Gokce Erem, New York, United States

May 19 , 2023

I am a touring musician! We need people at the table who are doing the work.

Max Meyer, New York City, United States

May 19 , 2023

We need this!

Katie Steinhauer, Edison, United States

May 19 , 2023

Touring Musicians deserve elected representation at the table for negotiations for our contract so we can speak with a unified voice.

Timothy Mulligan, Nashville, United States

May 19 , 2023

Touring musicians need their own representation!

Jane Cardona, Brooklyn, United States

May 19 , 2023

Touring musician AFM

Caitlin Thomas, New York, United States

May 17 , 2023

It’s important to come together as a union to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to voice ideas for creating a better working condition.

Tom Jorgensen, New York, United States

May 12 , 2023

As a member of a touring show, I’m unhappy with parts of our contracts that don’t represent or anddress our current needs.

Ryan Walsh, Pittsburgh, United States

May 12 , 2023

We need representatives who are active on tours and understand the current needs of the touring musician commmunity.

Mark Ziegler, New York, United States

May 12 , 2023

We do need representation to address specific needs of touring musicians.

Michalis Koutsoupides, New York, United States

May 12 , 2023

Touring musicians need representation!

Jim Lutz, Bridgewater, NJ, United States

May 12 , 2023

On the les Miserables tour

Todd Gustafson , Tampa , United States

May 12 , 2023

A voice for musicians who are actively engaged in touring musicals

Mark Pardy, Las Vegas, United States

May 12 , 2023

We need to be heard.

Marcus Vann , Ypsilanti , United States

May 12 , 2023

Representation matters!

Adam Roebuck, Chicago, United States

May 11 , 2023

We need a stronger voice in our ever changing work place.

James Gray, Denver, United States

May 11 , 2023

Touring Musicians have no voice currently within AFM and I cannot wait to be a part of this change!!

David J White, New York City, NY, United States

May 11 , 2023

To fight for better conditions in the new contract.

Jack Helsley, Oklahoma City, United States

May 10 , 2023

I’m solidarity

Michiko Aceret, Cathedral City, United States

May 10 , 2023

For fair and relevant negotiations

Nikki Shorts, Los Angeles, United States

May 10 , 2023

Touring musicians deserve a voice during collective bargaining agreements.

Anthony Scandora, Chicago, United States

May 09 , 2023

I have been a touring musician for the past decade and believe those on tour deserve more transparency, communication, and community.

Eugene Kaler, Chicago, United States

May 09 , 2023

Touring has changed and continues to change drastically at a very rapid pace and the experiences of those traveling on the road right now are vastly different from what one might have experienced even a few short years ago. Touring musicians need to know that their interests are represented and that the unique challenges they face today are being considered. We need representation that more accurately reflects the concerns of the entire touring body. Without such insight, we will continue to have a growing number of members that feel left behind, under valued, or entirely on their own. That only serves to divide us further and we are stronger together.

Ryan McCausland, New York City, United States

May 09 , 2023

We need a voice from those of us in the trenches out here on the road. Leadership has dropped the ball when it comes to representing our needs in negotiating on our behalf

Marc Hogan, Chicago, United States

May 09 , 2023

It is important for the relevant touring musicians to have proper representation at long last.

Jeffrey MacPherson, Andover, United States

May 07 , 2023

As a touring musician, I feel the need for representation, communication, conversation and action, based on everyday experiences we all face on the road.

Angela Jamieson, New York, United States

May 06 , 2023

It’ll be good for touring musicians to have their concerns heard.

Tim Burke, Chicago, United States

May 06 , 2023

Touring musicians voices need to be heard.

Reuven Weizberg, New York, United States

May 06 , 2023

As a union member who has found comfort in representation, it has been appalling to discover that contract-holding touring musicians are not just under represented, but are in fact being represented by individuals with direct conflicts of interest. I feel fortunate to have built a career largely as a touring musician, but the lifestyle comes with unique challenges. The purpose of unions is representation and a Touring Theater Committee would allow for direct communication and representation for Pamphlet B/SET musicians. This is a vital step towards rectifying a gap in membership support.

Mike Livingston, Mt. Vernon, IA, United States

May 06 , 2023

Touring musicians need more representation from AFM. We shouldn't have to rely on Equity to make our decisions for us

Jason Wetzel, Astoria, NY, United States

May 05 , 2023

The difference between provisions in the Broadway contract and provisions in the touring contracts is substantial, and that gap needs to be closed -- not least because the cost of living in NYC is really no higher than in many other large US cities now. So the compensation has to catch up. (Among plenty of other things!)

Evan Rees, New York, United States

May 05 , 2023


Mark OKain, Philadelphia, United States

May 05 , 2023

We're currently underrepresented in the union

Schuyler McFadden, San Francisco, United States

May 05 , 2023

Membership desperately needs the forum to organize the needs of traveling theatrical musicians across the Federation, present these needs to our paid / elected leadership and locals, and bargain our needs into our agreements with the Broadway League and Disney. I'm signing this petition in order to organize and resolve the issues affecting AFM members the most in 2023 and beyond: Rule 24, self-contained status, use of electronics (Ableton, KeyComp, Notion, etc.), healthcare, compensation, housing and per diem - to list a few.

Kevin McNaughton, New York, United States

May 04 , 2023

It is clear the traveling musicians working under Pamphlet B feel they can greatly improve their ability to organize and advocate for themselves in an ever-changing and highly challenging area of labor. Such an effort to organize in the form of a committee described above will undoubtedly strengthen all AFM workers— organizing is power, and the more robust organizing infrastructure our Union has makes us stronger.

Matt Brown , Port Washington, United States

May 03 , 2023

TOURING THEATRE COMMITTEE: Pamphlet B/SET workers need to ORGANIZE! A structure for organizing American Federation of Musicians (AFM) members who work under the Pamphlet B/SET Touring Agreement has yet to be created. Modeled on Local 802's Broadway Theatre Committee, AFM Touring Theatre Committee (TTC) will be the first duly recognized body dedicated to organizing and representing Travelers. In unity with the other governing bodies of our AFM (one of the premier AFL-CIO Labor Unions in the United States since 1896), our TTC would achieve many of the goals touring stewards have expressed over the course of many years. Touring musicians need a unified voice to advocate for themselves and to participate in the democratic process of our union. By creating a unified body of members working under the same agreement, we can: ORGANIZE, COMMUNICATE, PARTICIPATE, and COORDINATE!

Eric Stockton, Jackson Heights, United States

May 03 , 2023

As travelers we need a strong voice to truly represent the interests of travelers.

Paul Baron, COUPEVILLE, United States

May 03 , 2023

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