Started By Jeremy LeFevre, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States Message Jeremy LeFevre

Stuart Adams

Utah State Senate - District 7


Mike Schultz

Utah House of Representatives - District 12

Signing this petition would be a good start.

This is a petition to ask the Utah legislature to pass more thorough/better legislation to address the following areas (in no particular order):

  1. Construct an energy plan that will help Utah support development of renewable energy in a timely manner before oil shortages and other economic hardships occur in the coming years should such development be delayed. Help make sure Utah can change from a fossil fuel based economy to a renewable energy economy in a responsible, timely manner, particularly before oil supply decreases prevent our ability to do so economically.
  2. Create legislation that indicates the civil rights of citizens and the obligations of medical practitioners in regards to human genetic engineering/eugenics. In China, He Jiankui showed the technology is already available even in developing countries. Please better define boundaries of consent and malpractice in this area, including fundamental civil rights of the patient to engage or not engage in human genetic engineering, and the obligation of medical practitioners to deliver what they promise.
  3. Pass legislation to define better boundaries on government access to computers and other conventional semiconductor electronic devices. In particular, set better boundaries on how government can access those devices. Perhaps a good starting place would be to legislate against government having write access to people's electronic devices. Read access is usually sufficient for intelligence gathering to catch criminals. Also, legislate measures that require intelligence gathered to be used for law enforcement purposes only, and serious consequences if information is privately disclosed to private, non-law enforcement third parties. This will probably challenge current federal rules and norms, but is ultimately necessary to restore cybersecurity to Utah.
Sign Petition Create Campaign
Started February 02 , 2025
Supporters 0
Interested 35
Category Technology
Days Left 343 days
Origin Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Sign Petition

Why You Should Care


Control case


Civil Eugenics


Survival of the fittest/Persecution of the weak/disabled


Persecution of the weak/disabled Genetic malpractice


The previous plots are of a sociology algorithm analogy (using an MAV analogy for fitness scores, sociological and biological variables for everything else) for different types of societies, showing the difference in the population after a generation. Movement in the positive x direction and negative y direction indicates improvement in society. The implementation of civil eugenics improves the population, whereas permitting the persecution of the weak or disabled (in the name of survival of the fittest/social Darwinism) and failing to curb genetic malpractice results in a weakened society and a worsening of the population.

While changes in the proven oil supply make it difficult to determine what year peak oil will occur (and all the financial difficulties associated with demand exceeding supply thereafter), it will almost certainly occur within a generation or two, making it critical to create a strategy now that meets future energy demand.
People seem to not realize that legislation like the Patriot Act and other legislation that allowed intelligence and law enforcement access to electronic devices in the name of security, was often reliant on use of  hardware integrated backdoors. By allowing government to pressure companies to integrate those backdoors in the first place into consumer hardware, they also made it easier for foreign malicious cyber actors, domestic hackers, and anybody else who wants to exploit the decreased security of having a hardware integrated backdoor to be able to compromise those kinds of systems. While it requires a certain level of expertise, those backdoors have been successfully exploited by groups and individuals with surprisingly limited resources.



I think the evidence, scientifically, socially, and ethically, speaks for itself. Let's make sure our laws include the values we desires to guide our society into the future.

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