Started By Pauline Lubanski, Mississauga, Canada Message Pauline Lubanski

European Union, Government of Poland, Andrzej Duda, Public Opinion

I am encouraging anyone who agrees with me and is a Christian of European descent to join organizations such as Młodzież Wszechpolsk, Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość, KKP, Korona, etc or possibly start your own branches in the United States and Canada.


My name is Pauline Lubanksi and I come from a proud Polish family that had to settle in Ontario Canada because of circumstances at the time.

Within the last few years, we have been witnessing hordes of violent refugees and sleazy international students weaseling their way into the Polish borders via EU legal technicalities. As a Pole, my blood boils with how Poland is effectively shielding Europe and doing everything they can to protect us and our government haven’t got a spine, it makes me so angry

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Started January 07 , 2024
Supporters 29
Interested 646
Category Immigration
Days Left 411 days
Origin Mississauga, Canada
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Why You Should Care

Poland had to pull itself by the bootstraps and build itself up from nothing to a prosperous first world country. This is no small feat. To think all that progress my people have made is being unmade by the European Union opening the floodgates to hordes from third world countries, especially sketchy muslim men. Yikes

It's bad enough we opened up the floodgates in Canada during the 70's. Now I can't go anywhere without being suffocated by millions of impoverished brown people. I can't even relocated to BC or Alberta without being pushed out or groped by indian people. It's so bad here that I am contemplating permanently leaving for Warsaw.

Ontario is living proof of what happens when we let these mud people loose, I don't want the same fate to happen to Poland. Do not let liberals and lefties to intimidate you. Be bold, be brave and stand up for European culture and women everywhere.

Hold the line Poland! You are the last bastion of hope in this matter. No other European country was able to resist this invasion like you guys.


Stop the invasion of refugees and fraudulent indian student visas in Poland!

RallyCall | Stop the flood of refugees and international students in Poland [url=]uslzgofyvj[/url] slzgofyvj aslzgofyvj, slzgofyvj,

July 20 , 2024

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